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To pass away

«It’s getting hard to know what else Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian prime minister, has to do to get evicted from power. In most countries, just one of the dozens of scandals he has been involved in would be enough to finish him off politically. Each time a new scandal explodes, more sordid and incredible than the last, you think he can’t possibly ride this one out. He can’t possibly, you hopefully imagine, survive a court verdict that says he was bribing a lawyer to give false testimony or just shrug off the mountain of evidence that he regularly organises orgies with paid escorts at his private, and official, residences. And yet, there he is, still in power, still the leader of one of Europe’s most cultured and important countries. After all these years, it still beggars belief.
The only way to liberate Italian politics from his immense and deleterious influence would be either for him to pass away, or for the country to undergo a thorough, programmatic deBerlusconification, an attempt to return to reality after 20 years of his televisual brainwashing. The first, I’m afraid, is more likely than the second, but it still seems a very long way off».

(Tobias Jones, The Guardian, 16 novembre 2010. Invito a leggere l‘intero articolo, che mi è stato segnalato da Dario Sammartino)

2 commenti

  • filippo scuderi

    Novembre 19, 2010

    I have suggestion we import political men and not soccer players
    let our scientists come back and let go outside our political men.

  • Adriana Bolfo

    Novembre 17, 2010

    “ of Europe’s most cultured and important countries”.
    Really is it? detto senza autodenigrazione.
    Unica scusante: “televisual brainwashing”.
    Grazie dell’importante segnalazione!

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