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Un recente dibattito su relatività e cosmologia

in Giornale di Metafisica
n. 30
3/2008 – aprile 2009
Pagine 613-626

Cope Meta 2008-3:Cope Meta 2005-1


In the last years the big bang theory has shown wide gaps. In order to support it scholars usually turn to specific hypotheses and even questionable interpretations of the data deriving from scientific observations. It is behind this weak examining method that lies one of the most important problems connected to the theory of Relativity: the relationship with the Quantistic Physics.
Some recent works by Brian Greene and Marco De Paoli debate the developments of the matter. Marco De Paoli, in particular, expresses a well-organized criticism to the standard cosmological model. The mathematical and cosmological background of his thesis is a hand-to-hand struggle against relativity, especially in its general version of 1915. Against the separation between science and experience, he asserts that empiria and mathematics should instead come together into the explanation of the world.
This paper discusses the key points of the debate and moves in turn some criticism to Marco De Paoli’s thought, although it acknowledges the value and the originality of his theory.



R. De Monticelli – C. Conni
Ontologia del nuovo. La rivoluzione fenomenologica e la ricerca oggi

E. Canone (a cura di)
Per una storia del concetto di mente
Volumi I e II

in Giornale di Metafisica
n. 30
3/2008 – aprile 2009
Pagine 659-661 e 665-668

(liberamente leggibili in formato pdf)

1 commento

  • Alberto G. Biuso » Furor logicus

    Marzo 2, 2010

    […] questo è argomentato da De Paoli con la consueta chiarezza e vivacità, che conosco già da altre sue opere. Il linguaggio a volte troppo colorito, una discutibile interpretazione dell’eterno ritorno […]

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